Anuradha Kumari

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Accessibility with Svelte - Beyond Compiler Warnings

Svelte is an accessibility-first framework. However, the compiler warnings can only catch a few of the issues. In this talk, we will explore some important use cases with Svelte code, accessibility issues that can block the assistive technology users from proceeding, and how to fix those.
For example - handling dynamic changes, respecting user device settings, and using JavaScript to make complex components accessible to all users. We will also dive into the accessibility tree to see how the assistive technologies understand web content and how we can use that understanding to create a robust document structure.
Key takeaways: A deeper understanding of accessibility concepts that will help the audience contribute to a more inclusive and accessible digital world. The audience can apply the tips to their Svelte projects right away.
Anuradha is a frontend developer, working on making the web more accessible, one website at a time. She has been recognized as GDE (Google Developer Experts), Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), and Cloudinary MDE (Media Developer Experts). As an accessibility advocate, she aims to spread awareness and empower the community toward achieving the common goal of inclusion through technology.